Assisting with coping with Alzheimer’s or dementia by orienting and grounding the sufferer is an important Home Care task.
Home care aides provide supportive, compassionate, and friendly one-on-one interaction. Depending on the capabilities of the senior, they may spend time with them outdoors, going on walks, playing card games, cooking and sharing meals together, or simply having a conversation. This can be a great resource for those who may be feeling isolated or depressed, such as seniors experiencing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s or dementia.
For seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia, the home care aide may need to provide extra help with certain activities of daily living. The Alzheimer’s Association notes the following key areas:
- Bathing:
- Preparing the bathroom in advance
- Making the bathroom safe
- Help the senior feel in control
- Including the senior in the process
- Respecting the senior’s dignity
- Not worrying about the frequency of bathing
- Being gentle
- Being flexible
- Dental Care:
- Providing short, simple instructions
- Using a “watch me” or “hand-over-hand” technique
- Monitoring daily oral care
- Helping the senior to keep up with regular dental visits for as long as possible
- Dressing:
- Simplifying choices
- Organizing the process
- Choosing comfortable and simple clothing
- Being Flexible
- Eating:
- Making mealtimes calm and comfortable
- Offering one food item at a time
- Encouraging independence
- Being alert to signs of choking
- Grooming:
- Continuing grooming routines
- Performing tasks alongside the senior
- Using safer, simpler grooming tools
- Toileting:
- Making sure clothing is easy to remove
- Removing obstacles
- Creating visible reminders
- Monitoring incontinence
- Considering incontinence products
- Being supportive
Home care helps seniors to feel less isolated and lonely, and to retain a greater sense of dignity when their mental facilities start to diminish.
Sampling of Products and Equipment to Help People Cope with Alzheimer’s and Dimential
Below is a sampling of products and equipment that are used in helping people to cope with Alzheimer’s and dimentia. Click on the links to find out more information, see other products selections, and if you like, to make a purchase from one of our providers.